2016년 2월 8일 월요일

[BUYING REVIEWS]Buying gaming assembly pc - ③ Checking pc received shipment

 I  paid for my gaming assembly pc on 2, Feburary and received shipment on 5, Feburary.  Maybe I guess delivery shipment time was slower than normal days because ‘Seollal’ (Korean top traditional holiday, celebrate Lunar New Year; January 1 of the lunar calendar) was approched.

Anyway! I’ve received my ordered computer!

[Discovering the problem]

Oh my god. I found some problem. My monitor screen was not appeared although I conneceted the monitor and computer body I received. I was very frustrated because call with service center of seller was impossible. At that time ‘Seollal’ holiday  already began!  

So I started to look for its trouble by myself. At first I suspected canble problem. Because my monitor is used and its cable is very old. So I replaced the cable with a new one.

But still Monitor screen was not appeard. Hmm. Monitor power was good. So I continued to worry and then found! It was the problem of Graphic card.

 As upper picture, Grapic card received shipment was slightly leaned. Initially I thought that reason was its weight.  But turns out  it was not problem. The real problem is that maybe I guess seller just assembled case of pc and graphic card although graphic card did not fit into the case of pc before shipping! After removing the wrong screws and securing the graphics card, monitor screen was appeard!!

 At first I thought assemble was perfect. Because I asked assemble to seller, and seller was professional so would not occur any problem I thought. But that was my big mistake.

 If you buy assembIe pc online, I recommend check ordered pc very thoroughly after receving the shipment!

Now I’ve leaved an email inquiry to request replace case of pc or refund and applied return on Danawa website.

 Unfortunately, the period of this holiday is very long! How long does it take to solve the problem perfectly? ‘Unwelcome long holiday’ is likely to the first time to me. Haha :)

 After ‘Seollal’ holiday is over and the problem is resolved, I’ll tell you about it by writing posting J

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