2016년 2월 8일 월요일

[BUYING REVIEWS]Buying gaming assembly pc - ② Online purchasing

 I’ve used the website ‘Danawa(www.danawa.com) for purchasing ‘shopping list’ I chose.   

 [Method of application]

 1. Sing up membership of Danawa

 2. Click ‘온라인 견적(it means ‘online estimate’)’ at the left top of the website.

 3. If you down the scroll bar of Danawa website, you’ll find “다나와 온라인 견적서”. Click on item, mainboard, memory, ….And then click ‘선택(it means ‘choice’)’ after searching for the desired product.


 4. If you choose all items you want, you’ll see total amount of them. But it is not finalized price. Save the quote details by clicking '견적 저장(it means ‘save estimate’)’. After that, enter the “쇼핑몰별 견적비교(it means ‘shopping mall comparison by estimate)’. You’ll find the lowest price through this.

 Please note that price of assembly PC to buy may different according to the method of payment, cash or debit card. I think debit card payment is more safe than cash payment because there is possibility to transfer or refund the product after purchasing if the product I bought have some problem.

 If you finish to compare the price of the product you want to buy, click ‘다나와 안전결제 구매(it means ‘Danawa safe payment’)’. Then you can pay a bill on the payment screen.

  5. Click '마이페이지' > '나의 쇼핑 내역' > '주문/배송조회'. Here you can check the order details and condition of delivery.

 I think buying assembly PC is not difficult because it is available from seleting the product to comparing the price only online for buying assembly PC.

 In the next posting I will talk about my assembly gaming PC received the shipment. J

 PS: Danawa website is written by Korean. So if you are not Korean but want to buy some assembly pc through this website, please tell me. I'll help you as possible as i can if you write comment for help on this posting :)

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