2016년 2월 8일 월요일

[BUYING REVIEWS]Buying gaming assembly pc - ③ Checking pc received shipment

 I  paid for my gaming assembly pc on 2, Feburary and received shipment on 5, Feburary.  Maybe I guess delivery shipment time was slower than normal days because ‘Seollal’ (Korean top traditional holiday, celebrate Lunar New Year; January 1 of the lunar calendar) was approched.

Anyway! I’ve received my ordered computer!

[Discovering the problem]

Oh my god. I found some problem. My monitor screen was not appeared although I conneceted the monitor and computer body I received. I was very frustrated because call with service center of seller was impossible. At that time ‘Seollal’ holiday  already began!  

So I started to look for its trouble by myself. At first I suspected canble problem. Because my monitor is used and its cable is very old. So I replaced the cable with a new one.

But still Monitor screen was not appeard. Hmm. Monitor power was good. So I continued to worry and then found! It was the problem of Graphic card.

 As upper picture, Grapic card received shipment was slightly leaned. Initially I thought that reason was its weight.  But turns out  it was not problem. The real problem is that maybe I guess seller just assembled case of pc and graphic card although graphic card did not fit into the case of pc before shipping! After removing the wrong screws and securing the graphics card, monitor screen was appeard!!

 At first I thought assemble was perfect. Because I asked assemble to seller, and seller was professional so would not occur any problem I thought. But that was my big mistake.

 If you buy assembIe pc online, I recommend check ordered pc very thoroughly after receving the shipment!

Now I’ve leaved an email inquiry to request replace case of pc or refund and applied return on Danawa website.

 Unfortunately, the period of this holiday is very long! How long does it take to solve the problem perfectly? ‘Unwelcome long holiday’ is likely to the first time to me. Haha :)

 After ‘Seollal’ holiday is over and the problem is resolved, I’ll tell you about it by writing posting J

[BUYING REVIEWS]Buying gaming assembly pc - ② Online purchasing

 I’ve used the website ‘Danawa(www.danawa.com) for purchasing ‘shopping list’ I chose.   

 [Method of application]

 1. Sing up membership of Danawa

 2. Click ‘온라인 견적(it means ‘online estimate’)’ at the left top of the website.

 3. If you down the scroll bar of Danawa website, you’ll find “다나와 온라인 견적서”. Click on item, mainboard, memory, ….And then click ‘선택(it means ‘choice’)’ after searching for the desired product.


 4. If you choose all items you want, you’ll see total amount of them. But it is not finalized price. Save the quote details by clicking '견적 저장(it means ‘save estimate’)’. After that, enter the “쇼핑몰별 견적비교(it means ‘shopping mall comparison by estimate)’. You’ll find the lowest price through this.

 Please note that price of assembly PC to buy may different according to the method of payment, cash or debit card. I think debit card payment is more safe than cash payment because there is possibility to transfer or refund the product after purchasing if the product I bought have some problem.

 If you finish to compare the price of the product you want to buy, click ‘다나와 안전결제 구매(it means ‘Danawa safe payment’)’. Then you can pay a bill on the payment screen.

  5. Click '마이페이지' > '나의 쇼핑 내역' > '주문/배송조회'. Here you can check the order details and condition of delivery.

 I think buying assembly PC is not difficult because it is available from seleting the product to comparing the price only online for buying assembly PC.

 In the next posting I will talk about my assembly gaming PC received the shipment. J

 PS: Danawa website is written by Korean. So if you are not Korean but want to buy some assembly pc through this website, please tell me. I'll help you as possible as i can if you write comment for help on this posting :)

[BUYING REVIEWS]Buying gaming assembly pc - ① Shopping List

Finally ^^
I’ve bought my computer wanted to have! IT’S FOR GAME J

Desktop Computer is the first for me because I always used only laptop computer before. Actually it was hard to do game with laptop computer because of its performance.
[Shopping List]




It has been not difficult to choose shopping list for me as my acquaintance gave me ‘recommend estimate’ link about gaming assembly computer. Originally I wanted to buy “Micron Crucial BX100(250GB) like recommend estimate, but there was not inventory. So I’ve bought Premier Pro SP900(256GB).

Following link is the recommend estimate. I think it is very useful to people who want to buy assembly computer. It is organized well according to the purpose of computer for purchase.

PS: This link is written by Korean. So if you are not Korean but want to see 'recommend estimate' for buying assembly pc, please tell me. I'll help you as possible as i can if you write comment for help on this posting :)

How to download foreign game apps for iPhone

 A month ago, suddenly I was curious how different <Baekbalbaekjung> of Netmable in Korea and <Jeonmindolgyuk> of Tencent in China while playing <Baekbalbaekjung>. Because <Baekbalbaekjung> is come from <Jeonmindolgyuk>.   

 So I searched with various search terms, ‘Jeonmindolgyuk’, '全民突', ‘전민돌격 全民突’..., in the Apple App store. But I couldn’t find anything.

                                                  <Baekbalbaekjung> of Netmable in Korea                                                      

<Jeonmindolgyuk> of Tencent in China
Then I’ve found out that I should have created new Apple ID of that country if I had wanted to download some foreign game apps. In that sense, I'd like to introduce the 'how to make an iPhone overseas accounts' by showing the examples of creating UK Apple ID because someone may counfuse it like me. The order of making foreign account is the same regardless of the country.

[Step1. Logout to existing login]

[Step2. Download any free apps]
[Step3. Click "create new ID" if login screen pop up when you domnload some free apps]
[Step4. Setting up country you want]
[Step5. Agree to the terms and conditions for use]
[Step6. Register your personal information]
[Step7. Register your payment information]

 You have to enter your real address and postal code of the country when you register your payment information. I don’t have address of UK. So I’ve filled out the address of the best hotel in London comes out of Hotels.com search. I guess putting any number as phone number doesn’t matter.

[Step8. Certifivate your own e-mail]

[Step9.Login your new ID and password]

[Step10. Check the Completion of your new ID]

[Step11. Let's download some game apps to new foreign account]

This method can be applied even to download any foreign apps as well as game apps.^^

The end of this posting is here :)


2016년 1월 23일 토요일

[chat] The Secret of Strength

 Yesterday i felt my heart was likely to sink but i couldn't know the reason when i was on the way home. As i took down the subway at Jamsil Station and was about to go to bus station to ride it, i found Kyobo bookstore.

'... How about going to go to the bookstore? ' i asked myself.
 In the bookstore i hurriedly picked out the books coming into the eye although i just went to the bookstore to refresh my feeling at first. The books i've selected were totally six. They were followings.

:Japanese comic books. I've wanted to read it from last June.

2. <Power Point for Infographic>
: Books for Power Point study

3. <Wallstreet jounal Infographic Guide>
: Books for Power Point study

4. <Front End Web Design Introduction>
: Books for blog design

5. <Play>
: Autobiography of Nexon which is the famous game company in Korea

 As soon as I got on the bus that go home, I began to read <ONE PUNCH-MAN>. Oh, He can always win the fight with villains at a strike. That is why his name is "ONE PUNCH-MAN"

 One punch-man started his hero action by accidental chance, at that time he was in between jobs. But it is hobby to him! I think hero action is hobby to wealthy hero Batman or Ironman, too. But One punch-man always say openly "Hero action is my hobby!" In addition he looks like not rich. haha :)

The second <ONE PUNCH-MAN> shows how one punch-man got his strength.

"Listen carefully. The most important thing is whether you can continue this hard training."
"Training? Not genetic modification, not manipulation, not a leap?Then what kind of ... "
"Jenos, You have to keep going. No matter how hard it. I've been strong so far three years.
Push-up 100 times, sit-up 100 times, squat 100 times and running 10km. Everyday do these! Also important thing is not to turn on cooling in summer and heating in winter. Of course eat three meals a day. Eating bananas is ok in the morning.
 Every day no matter hard I did it continually to be a strong hero even by volmiting blood. I guess you’ll very hard enogh to die. Sometimes you may want to rest just a day. After a year and a half, I realized my change. I always do squat though my legs are too heavy to move and always do push-up though there is a strange sound in the arms.
 Then I became a bald and I’ve been stronger. I want to say that again, train to die youreself enough to be bald. Change themselves is human strength”

... Right. I agree strength is power to put desire into action. Passion without action is just umcomfortable and painful like today my feeling. I think it was my inner voice to want to do well the things I wish and I have to do a step by step.

I'll read the Nexon story and study PPT! and chanllenge trying to design my blog and writing blog posting again! Just steadily! Even though sometimes(actually often?) I can't satisfy  my writing. It took 3 years to be one punch-man. Thus I'll also try it at least 3 years! I think it seems very fun if i write about the result posting after 3 years. I'll do my best not to shame until then. :)